Thursday, January 15, 2009

lack of sleep,
smiles of joys,
laughter rings when jokes appears,
lame, yet oh so adorable.
but why do you care?
when you shouldnt care.

jadi jer orang yg baik, nangis, nangis lah.
the tears would kering anyways.

sayang , sayang jer lah,
hati akan tawar jugak one day nanti.

getting angry, its just getting angry,
when you think bout it..

you care pun sbb there's something nice out of it anyways.

at the end of the day,
you can just show your middle finger to the world
and walk off

but kalau ade jugak benda yg so meaningful for you to give a royal fuck

hold on while your heart is still willing to take that plunge

when your heart is tired.

its their loss then right.

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